Frankensteining the Ultimate Apple TV Racer – Real Racing 3, Gear.Club, F1 2016


Has anyone used Frankenstein’s name as a verb before? Not sure. The games writing crowd appropriated early 20th century horror writer H. P. Lovecraft’s surname as an adjective years ago, and has been applying the term Lovecraftian ever since, so I figure I’m good.

But moving on…

There are some excellent racers on Apple TV, but it would be hard to argue that any of them are perfect. What if we could role-play as Frankenstein and stitch together the ultimate racing hybrid, made up of our favourite elements from the games we love? Which games would we steal from? What would we take?

These are the sorts of questions that keep me awake at night, and what better way to help me get a good night’s sleep than to share them with you?

Obviously the which part I’ve spoiled in this article’s headline, but as for the what, mash the page 2 button to find out.