Mooff Games Off-Shoot Four Fats Aims to Make Games That Aren’t Sh*t


It’s a worthy goal, and one that we should all probably aspire to, no matter what our endeavours. For example, aviation companies should aim to make planes that aren’t shit. Similarly, whiskey distillers should aim to make whiskey that isn’t shit. Safe planes and good whiskey – that’s a world I want to live in.

If you’ve been following the bouncing ball here at ATVG, you’ll know we enjoyed (and continue to enjoy) our time with Dungeon Time, Toon Shooters 2, and Smash Club. We included Dungeon Time in our Best Apple TV Games: Year One list, had a Nintendo Switch moment with Toon Shooters 2, and gave Smash Club the full review treatment. We don’t think Mooff Games makes shit.

For reasons we don’t fully understand, the team at Mooff Games have felt the need to form a splinter group made up of the exact same team (trust us, they told us in an email last night so it must be true) to form Four Fats. This Four Fats splinter group even has a website – there’s not much on it, but we’ve a feeling there’s more to come.

Four Fats is the label under which the sequel to Blackmoor (that’s right, the sequel to Blackmoor!) – Dungeons of Darkmoor: the Traitor King – is being made, and we got excited when the team let it slip on an unrelated Facebook post yesterday.

Hit page 2 for more.